Black Friday can be an excellent day for your business — more eager shoppers can mean a lot more revenue and brand exposure. While selling more is probably your top priority, a secondary objective should be to turn those Black Friday shoppers into loyal customers. Buying a lot of merchandise on one day is great, but it still doesn’t beat having a steady stream of revenue throughout the year.

Using mystery shoppers can give you valuable insight into how you can build brand loyalty on the biggest shopping day of the year. The feedback they can provide could help shape your promotions in the new year. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when trying to grow customer loyalty:

Small retailers should build familiarity

Shoppers might come out to the mall on Black Friday to visit the big box stores, but that doesn’t mean they’ll stay there. With more foot traffic, even smaller, boutique retailers are likely to see an uptick in shoppers. However, many of these people may not be familiar with your brand or products. Retail expert Bob Phibbs suggested greeting these shoppers warmly and offering to give them a tour of the store. This will build a solid relationship and help these shoppers feel more comfortable with your brand.

Free samples also work quite well on Black Friday, as do coupons. Have an employee stand near the entrance to greet customers with a small offering. A 5% discount or a product sample could make them more likely to spend time in your store.

Make shoppers feel special

On Black Friday, shoppers are sure to be full of adrenaline and excitement for the big day. They’ll also feel a bit like just another face in the crowd because so many other people are shopping for gifts. Inc. Magazine suggested using that excitement and combating that loss of individuality by trying to make every shopper feel special and comfortable. Ask shoppers what their names are, find ways to meet their unique needs, and offer assistance whenever possible.

If you have an email list, it’s very important to get each shopper’s name. This way, you can start each newsletter off with a personalized greeting — which could make them more likely to open the letter rather than sending it to the spam folder. Mystery shoppers can test this system out and let you know what works and what doesn’t.

Find ways to follow up

Don’t let shoppers forget about your store after Black Friday. Do whatever you can to keep your brand in their mind during the rest of the year. Encourage shoppers to follow your store on social media, sign up for a newsletter or hand out coupons for the new year. Also recognize that some shoppers may come back to return their purchases after the holidays — make these returning customers feel welcome and encourage them to make another, more appropriate purchase.

How can retailers keep Black Friday shoppers engaged year-round?

Retailers can keep Black Friday shoppers engaged year-round by offering exclusive deals, maintaining strong customer service, and creating loyalty programs that reward repeat business.

What strategies help turn seasonal shoppers into regular customers?

Strategies like personalized marketing, targeted promotions, and consistent communication through email or social media help turn seasonal shoppers into regular customers.

How can mystery shoppers assist in retaining Black Friday customers?

Mystery shoppers can provide feedback on the shopping experience, helping retailers identify areas for improvement to retain customers beyond the holiday season.